Airman 1st Class
Many intelligence services become compromised to some extent. MI6 in the post war years was penetrated at the highest levels. Kim Philby was MI6 liason to the CIA (as first secretary in the Washington embassy) from IIRC 1949.He was working for the Soviet Union for God's sake! Angleton (you look him up) was so suspicious of him that Bedell Smith (look him up too) threatened to suspend the intelligence relationship between the US and UK until he was removed. Hardly conducive to the security of the NATO alliance.All this is in the public domain and it is all fact,not opinion.
MI6 then spent twenty years chasing its own tail and by all accounts (public again) became a very paranoid organisation to work in and not particularly efficient or effective.I am not denying it its achievments,notably some well known and senior KGB officers that it managed to "turn".
I am a keen amateur historian I can only access material in the public domain,you may be surprised how much there is. Freedom of information means just that.
Philby and his homosexual communst friends were a disgrace and the whole story was widely reported at the time. MI 6 is not the only British intellegence agency however so not all was lost, which is more than can be said for the agents reported to the Soviets by the toxic three. The US has been compromised from within on several occasions, as have the Soviets. Ever hear about Oleg Gordievsky? He was the highest ranking KGB agent when he defected in 1985, and he had been working for the British( MI 6 actually) since the invasion of Czechoslovakia.