The 495mph per Gruenhagen, 492 per Wagner (Schmued insisted on 'actual' recorded value when NAA Marketing was pushing for '500mph) was at 20, 700 feet. I don't know why Morgan claimed that XP-51G was first to be 'mathematically designed'. Roy Liming was Chief of Engineering Loft Mathematics and Lofting' but both he and R.K. Weebe introduced the science of Projective Geometry at NAA in 1940 and ALL Mustangs were designed to the rules from Day 1.
Further the R-R Merlin 100 as installed, delivered maximum HP of 2080 Hp at 22,800 ft at 80"MP 3000RPM w/150 octane. 1850 HP with 70" and 130 Octane.
The XP-51G engine was one of two R-R delvered Merlin 100, R.M. 14 S.M. Packard never made this engine but made a version 'Merlin 300 and 301' for the RAF Lincoln.
The XP-51G wing was an NACA 66,2 18155 airfoil ----> with greater thickness to chord ratio of 18 compared to NAA/NCA 45-100 with thickness to chord ratio of 16.
While the XP-51G first flown with Rotol 5 Blade prop, it was replaced with Aeroproducts 4 blade A-542-B1, same as XP-51J and P-51H.
So, wing not thinner, no 120MP, Not first to be mathematically designed, did not achieve 498mph