Best tank killer aircraft of WW2

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Well, AFAIK the Corsair never did much tank busting. The Japanese medium tanks were easy prey for Shermans and combined with jungle growth hiding vehicles from the air, I don't think aircraft in the Pacific did much tank busting. (Please correct me if I'm wrong).

The best close air support aircraft is obviously the Corsair, but I think another plane sadly must receive the tank-buster award :(
the lancaster kicks ass said:
*cough* P-51 MUSTANG *cough*
I would have to agree that the mustang was the best ground attack aircraft along with the Il-2 and the hurricane.


  • p51-21.jpg
    20.6 KB · Views: 1,252
that is the most ugliest plane i have ever seen in my whole life,that italian thing in your signature,lol
I know im jus kiddin around.....the ugliest plane would have to be the german storch

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