Best Tank Killer of WW2 continued

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The 3" rocket wasn't as effective later in the war but the 5" would take out a tank from the rear or side depending on the model. Panthers were vulnerable to this. I guess if the Luftwaffe had more aircraft availble for ground attack later in the war there would have been more use of rockets.

They still did pretty good with the underpowered aircraft they had. Somebody like Hans Rudel had to be very brave to fly day after day in an aircraft that many thought was obsolete.
When compared to the allied tactical forces the Luftwaffe's use of fighter-bombers was limited. They didn't have the fuel, planes or the pilots to spare for the effort that was required. So much of the Luftwaffe was occupied just defending the Reich. The Fw-190f was a good fighter-bomber, and was effective against tanks with it's 30mm cannon but their numbers were dwarfed by the thousands of Sturmoviks, Typhoons, Thunderbolts operation with the Allies.

I was was talking about the Hs-129 and Ju-87G, when I said underpowered.
the Fw 190F was armed with only two 2cm weapons not 3cm. there were numerous F's in production primarily serving on the Ost front where they attack hordes of Soviet tanks at will, this was the prime reason why the Ju 87D's were removed and transfered out to the night groiund attack gruppen and then the Fw 190 came into play with panzerblitz rockets. Again as i have mentioned over the last 2 years there really needs to be a book written specifically on the German ground attack units operating late war 44-45 Fw's as we would find that they indeed destroyed numerous Soviet panzers with rockets more so than any Allied ground attack a/c during the war.
I agree 100% erich, and the many eyewitness accounts and a few interviews I've had on the subject substantiate this....

It would be a book I would definatly purchase, and speaking of which, when is the JG300 Vol 2 English comin out????
Les no doubt around September as the Dora volumes at least the 1st one is due for July or so they stated. right now to me it is doubtful much will happen for EE till the fall, with too many projects in the works

Like with the Bf 109F and it's 20mm underwing cannons, the Fw 190F could be fitted with two 30mm cannon in gondolas.

I'd buy a book on the Fw190 tank busting in the east in 1944-45.
no they did not have underwing gondolas or the silly Mk 103 on the prototype that never flew in action if this is what you refer to. There were no underwing cannons fitted to Schlachtgeschwader Fw 190F's or G's only bombs, bomblets and rockets
Les the prototype you present has Mk 103's in response to tests with a couple of these in regard to the success with the same single weapon system on the Hs 129. For the Fw 190 it just did not work, due to strengthing problems in the wings when the long barrels were fired and vibration characteristics were too extremem to even aim properly as the rounds were placed in such a wide area during target practice
I think the P-47 was the best tank killer in the war It's 8, 50cal's could beat up any thing. And pluse it culod also carry ord. on it and it was fast across the deck making it hard to hit. It also had the best reputation of bringing the pilot home.

Sorry if the spelling is off a bit
Some people I've encountered claim it was possible to destroy tanks by bouncing .50 cal rounds off the ground into the belly armor of a tank, but that doesn't sound too likely to me.
another myth ...........

the .50 ammo was excellent for the ground attack work of the JUG and STANG but don't anyone claim it could do away with German armor

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