Bf 109 E-4 cockpit photos

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Jul 5, 2010
Leesburg, FL
I am starting on a Tamiya Bf109 E-4 for the BOB group build and I am looking for some color photos of the cockpit. I especially need the side walls seat and belts. Any help would be appreciated.

Have a look at these threads for BoB GB projests with Bf109E. ALso check the Technical section.
Thanks Wurger I'll do that. I did a couple of searches here, but didn't come up with anything. I've got some info on thelater models, just don't have anything on the E.
The best colour resources I've seen is if you Google "Bf 109 E Cockpit" and click on "Images". See if this link works: bf 109 e cockpit - Google Search

You'll get a lot of junk, including later marks but there will be some useful stuff there. You'll find some screenshots from some of the better flight sims which are useful. Be careful with some of the Google pics as they come from museum pieces with parts missing, duifferent instruments, and the later darker greys colours. BoB Emils would most likely have most surfaces in RLM 02 with the instrument panel in a dark gray or RLM 66.

Here are some good renderings for the correct equipment arrangements to compare the photos with:


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Those are beautiful drawings and they will help a lot. Thanks.

John, check the detail differences before you begin. there were changes, even on the E3, which need to be checked against the specific aircraft you wish to build. For example, in the last drawing posted, which I posted in another thread, you'll notice that the propellor pitch control was moved from the centre of the instrument panel, and this was blanked-off, being replaced by a switch on a re-designed throttle grip. The earlier grip was a 'ball' type.
But, it's possible to find an E4 with the earlier grip, and an E3 with the later grip, and so on, due to upgrades, field modification packs etc.
A good example of this is 'White 4' of JG26, now preserved in the Imperial War Museum, Duxford. At first glance, it appears to be an E3, the main feature of this being the earlier 'rounded' canopy. But in fact, due to some engine and electrical fittings, and other upgrades, and from the factory plate, it is an E4 !
A number of kit manufacturers have based their kits, and the cockpit in particular, on a particular existing airframe, or sometimes just a photograph, and this leads to pitfalls for the modeller, although fairly minor ones to be fair. A typical example of this is the inclusion of the small ETC switch panel on the lower instrument panel, which was only fitted to bomb or drop tank equipped 'Emils'.
Another point to note - it's generally accepted that the cockpit colour of the 'Emil' was RLM 02, which is the colour 'officially' stipulated for aircraft interiors of the period. However, on the ones I have seen close up, or have seen colour pics of, and when examining contemporary pics, even in B&W, it is evident that the colour isn't actually a true RLM 02. It seems to be in between this and RLM 66, which replaced 02 as the interior colour, and is more of a mid, to dark grey, with a hint of green, though not quite as dark as RLM 66. It's a bit like RLM 75, with green in it!
Sounds confusing, but the easiest way to describe it, if you are familiar with Humbrol paints, is Humbrol 27 Grey (basically RAF Ocean Grey) with a couple of spots of Green 30 (RAF Dark Green equivalent) and., depending on scale, maybe a small spot of white to lighten it slightly for 'scale effect'.
Hope this helps,
I had assumed that the switch panel you referred to was for the bomb, drop tank controls. To clarify things a bit I am doing Galland's Emil W Nr. 5819 as it appeared in Aug. - Sep. 1940. Appaerntly this A/C went through at least 2 camouflage schemes While he was flying it. I found a thread on the forum that helped on the colors. The upper surfaces were RLM 02 and dark green, cannot remember the RLM No. One thing that caught my eye was the lower surface color was listed RLM 65.

Thanks for the info on the cockpit color. I wasn't aware of that.

Thanks Neil, that's exactly what I meant by the colour, and I was referring to some of the pics you sent me previously.
John, this is the preserved, airworthy Bf109E in Canada, and although restored, the interior colours match those of 'White 4' at Duxford, in original colours, and Tuemer's 'Emil' in the RAF Museum, Hendon, as well as other parts of 109s brought down during the BoB and still in existence. You can see it is not the true RLM 02, grey green, as often described.
Terry, I was going to ask you if that was the color you were referring to, but you had already answered my question. I have been learning a lot of the past few weeks with my research on two aircraft that are connected in history. It has been a good journey.

I went through my pain stash and I have X6 Ocean Grey and X1 Dark Green in Xtracolor so that will give me something to start with. It does look like I' will have to add a little white.

Thanks you all for the help.

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