Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10 and G-14?

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
With the oil filler cap where it is, on the nose of the G-10, can you fill it rescribe and a new one lower down as it is on the later G-14 model, which a had the smaller oil tank. I imagine getting rid of the G10 filler cap, is no problem, easy enough to fill! Scribing a new one - is that possible, is there any scribing tools, or? Would it be easier to cut and paste the nose ring above intake.
....if one have any spares! 😉😆😂
Come to think of it....I could this set, as it has the oil filler in the right spot, just leave the rest of, right? 🤨🤔

Plus....doesn't the oil filler sit too far down on Trumpeter's G-10, for it to be correct....but in the right spot for G-14?

....or is it just an illusion?

Plus....doesn't the oil filler sit too far down on Trumpeter's G-10, for it to be correct....but in the right spot for G-14?
....or is it just an illusion?
This should be the difference between the two oil filling hatches.

IMHO what you show in the picture in post #3 is good enough without any further change.
See for example Eduard's part for the cowling of G-6/AS:

Don't forget to change the hatch for the cold weather starting device too. On G-10 it's higher positioned.

Here is Eduard's part for this side of the cowling of G-6/AS:

I started with these changes on a Revell Me-109G-10 (1/48) trying to build a G-6/AS out of it (or 14/AS:rolleyes:; the green 5, remember? the overall black one) but never finished the project. In the meantime Eduard brought its version on the market. Maybe it's time to revitalize mine?
Schemes are from my copy of the book by Jean-Claude Mermet
Photos are from a
review by Brett Green
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