Senior Master Sergeant
They had maximum development effort throughout the war Darvparlr, even more so infact, just take a look at the multitude of a/c to arrive in 44.
I think most of the significant aircraft arrivals came prior to D-Day. After that development slowed down and the Allied effectively were happy to finish the job with what they had. I think there was natural desire to get these planes into action just to see how they would perform against the enemy, like the P-80, but I don't think there was a general effort to accelerate these planes to front line duty but I think there was in Germany. It only makes sense.
Fact is Darvparlr, every nation was putting new a/c on scene as quickly as they could, only a few exceptions such as the Me-262 Ta-152 being delayed for preference reasons of the high command (Hitler).
I do not believe this is a fact from mid '44 on.