Bf-109K-4 WNr 332529

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Tech Sergeant
Jun 10, 2007
Lancaster, California
Hey guys, looking for pictures of this Bf-109 K-4. I have looked and looked on the internet, and even looked here on this website and nothing of a actual picture. I have seen profiles but no real pictures. Anyone have any they wouldnt mind posting. Thanks guys.

Here you are. Source the JAPO publication.


  • Bf109K4 JG52.jpg
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  • Bf109K4 JG52_.jpg
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  • Bf109K4 JG52_profile.jpg
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There were these two pics and the profile only.Concerning these strips on the horizontal stabalizers, have a close up look at the first pic.On the right side of the pic the port horizontal stabalizer can be seen. I think these strips can be seen clearly.
Concerning these strips on the horizontal stabalizers, have a close up look at the first pic.On the right side of the pic the port horizontal stabalizer can be seen. I think these strips can be seen clearly.

Well, hell, there they are, didnt even notice. Thanks guys, this is a great help.
And anotrher profile I found....


  • Bf109K-4 Stab JG52 Black4 1945.jpg
    28.9 KB · Views: 465

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