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I'd advise you get it done as soon as possible, and put all your effort into it. I always hated the teachers lectures, and found them extremely boring, when they rambled on about how important it all is. Honestly, I still don't think it's that important - but it makes life much-much easier to have a decent school record to fall back on.
what i don't get is why most of the subjects gave us coursework at the same time, surely they must have realised we'd have allot and could've spaced it out more..........
You'd think so, wouldn't you, lanc? But no, it's the case ... and many teachers will stand hand you homework to do with it. Get it done though ... I made the mistake of being lazy at school, and I was lucky to achieve good results in my GCSEs (I am quite intelligent, honest) without much effort. I do regret not working as hard, especially since I could have worked harder and been just as much of an idiot as I was at school anyway.
i do try to do it but sometimes you just gotta stop for a while and do summit else, it gets too much, getting towards the end now though..........
Yep, whats also annoying is when pissy subjects like RE give you completely irrelevant homework, and classify it more important than coursework in real lessons. Graphics coursework is a bitch though...and those lectures teachers give you about the importance are pointless too, cos they spend half the lesson rambling about it and then wonder why people havent done much work. I get 10 times as much work done at home.
this last week when i didn't have to go out for a training walk i had like one bit of maths homework to do, then this week i've had to do all the route planning, i'll loose sunday through the walk, i have maths homework, stats coursework, english, RE and i have to prepare notes for controlled conditions french coursework..........

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