Blue 2 from JG53

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Feb 17, 2009
Ft. Hood, TX
Hi folks..

new to the boards an asking for help so if I foul this up My apologies..

I'm currently building a G-14 for a college course that I'm in... I've found the aircraft I want to base the kit on and its Blue 2 from JG53, it was shot down by AA, Pilot was Alfred Michel.... I have tried to find other photos of this aircraft, but the only 1 I've found is a black/white showing the aircraft on the ground with pilot an american GI's looking at the wreck.... Would anyone know of any other photos of this bird around ? maybe even a color photo of same bird ??

I would be very greatful for any an all help

THank you for your time

Very Respectfully

Chris aka Rattler
yeah this seems to be the only pic that I could find.....


  • 510729555_1019269b86.jpg
    44.6 KB · Views: 207

Bf 109G-14 'Blue 2', flown by Gefr. Alfred Michel, 16./JG53, Operation Bodenplatte, 1st January 1945. Gefr. Michel was shot down on his first operational sortie, following a scheduled attack on the airfield at Metz-Frescaty. Michel was captured by US forces after AA fire damaged his engine and he was forced to crash-land.
Njaco, yep that was the only photo I have ref to in one of My books on the JG53. Thank you for posting it up I do appreciate that.

Beaupower32, Wow man thank you heaps... May I ask where you found these other photos? also the tail band... is it Black or something else ?

Another question to pose to everyone.... is there Anyone out there who makes decals in 32nd for any blue markings and for the JG53 lol I know I'm being alil lazy, but I've got most 32nd scale decals out there on the market from folks like Eagle Cals , Eagle Strike I'm sure I'm missing some others, but figured you guys might know of someone who's got a direct shot to getting some blue markings instead of going and making the masks for the tac stuff.

Thank you both of you for helping with the photo search and posting what you have I do so greatly appreciate your efforts.. I'll get to the build section an post some photos when I get alil further.

A great book that, probably the work on Boddenplatte. As for decals, I can't say for sure, but Peddinghaus Decals might have what you are looking for.
thank you Airframes,

Sadly though My German is so rusty it' not even funny.... Found some neat-o stuff on there... but alot didn't have photos from what I saw... and the Blue number markings were rounded instead of straight hard edge that I need for Alfred's plane... any idea's guys ??

I noticed that they didn't have an english tranlated page, do they even ship to the states ?? I've noted before what some sites who don't have an english page.. don't ship to the US, currently I'm in TX... for alil while longer.

THank you again chaps for the help You guys are saving My bacon !!!!!!!!

Very Respectfully

thank you Airframes,

Sadly though My German is so rusty it' not even funny.... Found some neat-o stuff on there... but alot didn't have photos from what I saw... and the Blue number markings were rounded instead of straight hard edge that I need for Alfred's plane... any idea's guys ??

I noticed that they didn't have an english tranlated page, do they even ship to the states ?? I've noted before what some sites who don't have an english page.. don't ship to the US, currently I'm in TX... for alil while longer.

THank you again chaps for the help You guys are saving My bacon !!!!!!!!

Very Respectfully


Google Peddinghaus decals, find the home page listing and use the translate option on the google listing. It should convert the page and any subsequent pages into English for you. By the way, he does have pics of most of his decals on his site.

Failing that, simply send an email to Ernst Peddinghaus and ask him if he has what you need. :)
Google Peddinghaus decals, find the home page listing and use the translate option on the google listing. It should convert the page and any subsequent pages into English for you. By the way, he does have pics of most of his decals on his site.

Failing that, simply send an email to Ernst Peddinghaus and ask him if he has what you need. :)

Thank ya much sir, didn't see the trans link before...still getting no photos to show up, but I'll do the safe thing and drop Mr. Ernst a note with specifics..

Thank you again for the lead in the right direction.... much appreicated.
Thank ya much sir, didn't see the trans link before...still getting no photos to show up, but I'll do the safe thing and drop Mr. Ernst a note with specifics..

Thank you again for the lead in the right direction.... much appreicated.

If you can't get the translation to work, just look for 1/32 decals on the left, click on that. 1/32 decals are all grouped together.

To see pics of the decals, click on the DETAILS button or on the name of the decal set first. When the new window opens up, look for this: größeres Bild anzeigen just to left of the decal set name and click on THAT to open up a new window with a pic in it. :)

His website doesn't have all of his decals listed either. You may need to do a search and find a vendor who carries them. Squadron does NOT.
any idea who does supply his decals here in the states?

if I was in Germany I'd just drop by an pick them up.. or something like that LOL.. but that wont be happening for another few months lol

thanks again gambit, much appreicated

well I did check out a the JG53 set he had... bout only 2 items in that I could use... and the numbering decal have the rounded numbers.. I need the sharp style... oh an then the squiggle... as My daughter puts it... lol
any idea who does supply his decals here in the states?

if I was in Germany I'd just drop by an pick them up.. or something like that LOL.. but that wont be happening for another few months lol

thanks again gambit, much appreicated

well I did check out a the JG53 set he had... bout only 2 items in that I could use... and the numbering decal have the rounded numbers.. I need the sharp style... oh an then the squiggle... as My daughter puts it... lol

Great Models has some but their selection is limited. I'm still looking for other distributors in the US.

I tried ordering three other sets in 1:72 from his website but couldn't get it to work.
Some of the images take some time to open I've found. I too could do with a few of the 'square' style numbers, for JG3 109's. In the advert for Peddinghaus in UK magazines, it does state that they custom make decals, so it might be worthwhile asking Ernst if he either has any, or can make some, in a selection of colours. I have a feeling there might have been some at some time. The current stock seem to be late war style, as there are few from, say, the BoB era.
Let us know how you get on Chris.
well I was partly in luck yesterday, went to a contest here in TX down in San Antonio and Kenny from Gatorsmask has some of the Hard edge number stencils*paint masks* as well as the soft edge style*rounded*, they were 12.00 bucks on the table, so I snatched up a set of the hard edge series.
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Going back to the beginning of your post, everyone who has replied seems to miss an important bit of information - you found a college course where you get credit for building models? WOW

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