Bob's recent photo's from BC, Canada

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May 4, 2004
Hi guys gals,
I am lucky enough to have been to British Columbia on holiday in June and was also lucky enough to have stayed at a place called Edgewater Lodge in Whistler, BC.
The Lodge is on the edge of Green Lake, and as many of you will appreciate, lakes are great places for sea planes to land.
Just so happened that this was happening regularly day to day whilst we were there and I managed to get some photos, not all good, so the best I'll try and post here.
I know they aren't WWII aircraft, and most often than not they did take me by surprise when I was in my room. It also transpires that the owners, well, the guy at least, was a Mosquito pilot based up in Scotland during WWII. I had quite a good chat to him and he had nothing but praise for the Mosquito.
It also happens to be my favourite aircaft from that era, and I was really lucky to see one flying at an airshow here in the UK some time ago.
I intend getting the pics on here. Hope you like the photo's, regards,
Bob Higgins.


  • 44 Sea planes closer up from our room WEB.jpg
    44 Sea planes closer up from our room WEB.jpg
    180.8 KB · Views: 255
  • 91 Different Sea Planes came in and out WEB.jpg
    91 Different Sea Planes came in and out WEB.jpg
    73.5 KB · Views: 226
  • 92 This Sea Plane is from Harbour Air, Vancouver City WEB.jpg
    92 This Sea Plane is from Harbour Air, Vancouver City WEB.jpg
    73.6 KB · Views: 186
  • 51 Sea plane close landing WEB.jpg
    51 Sea plane close landing WEB.jpg
    55.4 KB · Views: 232
  • 93 Harbour Air Sea Plane dropping off passengers WEB.jpg
    93 Harbour Air Sea Plane dropping off passengers WEB.jpg
    102.6 KB · Views: 178
Thanks. Best of luck moving to Alaska, and also getting a location that looks that good. We could have stayed there for our whole holiday, and a lot more besides.
Cheers, BobH.
:occasion5: Cheers all for the comments. Yeah, its a great place to go, I love going to British Columbia.
I did get a few video shots on my (5.0 Mega Pixel) camera, but none are any good for this forum. Part way through one, the batteries ran out:shock: . As most were taken 'in haste' so I actually got them on camera, more than taking my time for quality. Also, the camera is really for picture taking, and then not action shots like flying sea planes.
I have to admit, I never heard of the film "Captains Of The Clouds."

Just to let anyone know, I will try and check back once a week at least.
Nothing beats a Beaver landing on a lake.....WAIT! THAT DON'T SOUND RIGHT!!!
LOL! Landing on the sea isn't bad either, remember going whale watching in one and getting to fly it for about 10mins as well, that was good fun! Great to see the parents faces when the pilot says "E" is for "Enough" :lol: Do have the pics from that holiday (plus Alaska pics on CD somewhere - at least the Alaska ones are) I will see if I can dig them out and post some if they are any good.
Never been to Whistler. Beautiful pics though. I like mainland BC and northern Alberta. Some breathtaking country out there. Actually, Vancouver Island is very picturesque too.
Whistler is one of the hot spots on the planet for alpine skiing. the sceneray ain't bad either by the way.

Bob thanks for that refreshing pic .... the first one, great spot to snuggle up with the babe' by the fire and relax

cheers E ~
Well thanks again for the comments on the aircraft pics, and comments slightly off the subject. I remember seeing my first beaver...:shock: I was in the Air Force at the time...0X a sight and feeling I'll never forget...:eeeeek: noisy engine though...:laughing4:

Regards to all,

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