Here is an encapsulation of the debate:
Postulate - F6F-3 could have performed the bomber escort role in the ETO during WWII as far as Berlin.
F6F-3 with R2800-10, 250 Gallons of fuel internally, two 150 gallon tanks externally is the proposed
Mixture of two US Bomber Types. B-17s with average altitude of 26,000 feet (TAS ~210 @ 150 mph IAS) or B-24s at 22,000 feet (TAS at 237 mph @ 180 IAS)
1. Bomber course - East Anglia to Zwolle, Zwolle to Celle, Stendal and Berlin in straight line. Total = 580 miles.
2. Fighter R/V for final Target escort after Penetration Support turns for home. R/V just north of Hannover, west of Celle.
3. Fighter Route - East Anglia toward Amsterdam to Zwolle, (~270 miles), Zwolle to Hannover (~150 miles), Hannover to Berlin (~155 miles).
4. Combat Radius Profile
a.Warm up for 5 minutes
b. 1 minute take Off (MP) power - Combined warm up/take off equivalent to 5 minutes Rated Power ~ 25 minutes while all 48-52 ships form up into Group formation
c. Climb to 25,000 feet at 160 IAS and proceed along bomber course (there is a reason for this, except for some unique missions) at 210 IAS
d. At R/V climb to 30,000 feet and Ess over bombers at 210 IAS .
e. Escort to Berlin and back to same R/V point to hand off to Withdrawal Support
f. Cruise Home
g. Orbit for 30 minutes as rest of the Group lands.
h. Be Non Conservative - No Reserve - Land on fumes or display how much fuel you have left
Cruise at any speed you choose but a.) must be able to R/V with bombers traveling at 210 mph at 26,000 feet from point halfway between East Anglia and Amsterdam all the way to Berlin, b.) Cruise above the bombers in central escort 4000 feet above them, c.) Cruise in Ess or straight line if you choose to drop your airspeed to bomber speed but be conscious of grave threat to your ability to protect against fighters entering at 390 mph+ TAS with altitude advantage. d.) Drop tanks for Combat at Combat Power (not WEP) for 20 minutes. e.) cruise home any way you can at any altitude and power settings you choose.
5. Reserve 30 minutes of fuel for circling airfield while the rest of the group lands.
1. Power settings, rpm, fuel rate of consumption, altitude and airspeed for each stage of the mission profile
2. Fuel remaining in external tanks (if any) at Berlin
3. Fuel usage from internal 250 gallon tank during taxi, TO and Formation assy
4. Internal fuel remaining over Berlin when entering Combat.
Argument(s) against the F6F-3 or -5 achieving suitable USAAF ETO Bomber escort to and from Berlin.
1. Altitude and ETO cruise requirements for the F6F vs P-47C, as one example, force the F6F from a Max Range profile of 12,000 feet at 200mph TAS to 30,000 feet and at least 300 mph TAS.
2. The Engine performance of the F6F is lower than the P-47C as far as Fuel consumption at equivalent speeds and altitudes and far less than either the P-38 or P-51. Additionally the profile drag of the F6F is 8+% higher than P-47 and 54% higher than the P-51
3. The internal fuel of the F6F is 18% less (55 gallons) than the 305 gallon P-47C internal tank
4. A twenty minute fight over Berlin reduces the internal reserve of fuel for the F6F from 250 to 160 for 20minute Combat Power engine settings - assuming zero internal fuel is used during take off and assembly process (not SOP in ETO)
If you choose any other parameter or profile to make your escort case, please explain your reasons.