We all know that U.S. fighter pilots soon asked for all Armor-piercing Incendiary rounds be loaded in their wing guns (except for a few tracers to let the know they were running low) and that regular Ball ammo was being phased out of production for lack of demand.
What loads did the average Bomber gunners use? did they retain the usual 5 ball rounds and one tracer or did they go for AP-I rounds too?
I thought I read somewheres where at least one tail gunner had all tracer rounds so it would frighten off attackers.
When a Bf-109 flew though a formation of B-17s or B-24s it must have looked like those films of Kamikaze attacks on USN Carriers!
What loads did the average Bomber gunners use? did they retain the usual 5 ball rounds and one tracer or did they go for AP-I rounds too?
I thought I read somewheres where at least one tail gunner had all tracer rounds so it would frighten off attackers.
When a Bf-109 flew though a formation of B-17s or B-24s it must have looked like those films of Kamikaze attacks on USN Carriers!