Borrowed Time

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Aug 9, 2006
I am looking for a pic of the b17 "borrowed time". My father-in-law was in this plane when in was shot down. I am hoping there are some files of it from before this happed on 3-17-45.
I am new to this, so I am not really sure if I am posting correctly. Thank you anyone that has info to help.
Reposting this from the other thread for continuity:

According to a quick search based on the March 17, 1945 date, I show 4 B-17s either lost or missing on that day:

42-107148 (384th BG, 545th BS, *Dark Angel*) MIA Mar 17, 1945 on mission to Erfurt, Germany.

B-17G-85-BO Fortress
43-38283 (95th BG, 334th BS) lost Mar 17, 1945. MACR 13111 (Pilot: Vermillion)
43-38344 (305th BG) lost Mar 17, 1945. MACR 13113. Later went to USSR

Lockheed/Vega B-17G-75-VE Fortress
44-8601 (25th BG, 652nd BS) lost at sea on a weather reconnaissance mission, Mar 17, 1945. MACR 13856 (Pilot: Estrach)

So if you can determine which unit he was in, or where he was stationed, that might narrow down the information to search through. Also, the database for serials is by no means standardized or complete, so it could be another plane that didn't list a loss date. So any additional info you can provide will certainly help.
Dear krwhitlock, I have just come across your thread looking for information about the B 17 "Borrowed Time" My father SSG Robert G Nyland flew on that same aircraft. He was a waist Gunner. I also have been looking for a photo of that B-17 but so far to no avail. He Flew with the 388th bomber group (Heavy) 563 Bombardment Squadron Call sign Fairman, their motto Fortress For Freedom. His B - 17 from what I have been able to find out doing internet searches flew out of Knettishall Airfield Suffolk England. There is a website for the 388th Bombardment Group. I had e-mailed them a while back to see if someone might have a photo of the plane flight crew. I have not had a positive response. I often wondered who the flight crew of of this aircraft and the missions they went on. My uncle has told me that my father and his crew flew back from one of their missions with one or more engines a fire and did land back in England just barley. I believe most of the crew made it back with mostly Non life threating injuries.

There is a list of the planes of the 388th on the following website Of the planes assigned to the 388th

Do you know much of the history of your father in laws time in service? Do you know the names of the other men that flew on this aircraft with your relative??
Dear KRWhitlock I have recently received from the 388th Bomb Group Association A photo of one of the Borrowed Time B17 Aircraft. I understand there were actually three with this same name. This particular one that I am posting a photo for you was a/c # 42-97114. This B17 began her missions July 6, 1944 (Sautrecourt, France), her 63d and final mission was on March 17,1945 and was listed as missing in action. I do not know any of the flight crew pictured in this photo. I am still searching for a photo of my father and his crew, he was a waist Gunner on the Borrowed Time. I would suggest that you contact the 388th Bomb Group Association. You can Goggle them on the net.

Good Luck in your search for your relatives military history !!


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Dear kathy88 and KRWhitlock.

This may be a few years too late, but I have another picture of the aircraft "Borrowed Time" (42-97114) assigned to the 388th BG at Knettishall, England. I have some detailed info on the crew that went down with the plane on March 17, 1945. The co-pilot was my mother's first husband, Joe Sala who was killed. However three survived: Glen Brown (Pilot), Bill Whitlock (radio), and Larry Semenza (tailgunner). To KRWhitlock, I assume your father in law is Bill Whitlock, who I know. Anyway I can send a PDF of the entire story to either of you if you wish. Joan should have a copy.

Anyhow, take care - hope this wasn't too late!

Rick Donaldson


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Is there a way I can delete it and try again?

Of course there is.... firstly , you should re-size the pic and save on your HDD. Secondly, hit the " Edit" button in the window with your post.Then hit " Go Advanced" one. Thirdly push the " Manage Attachment " button. In the Upload window you should find " Remove Attachment" button next to a name of a file ( picture, for instance)" for its deleting. Click this one and the file will be deleted. Then you can upload the new one in the same window ( there are five lines for browsing and setting paths to files you want to post ). The window is exactly the same you used for uplading the too large shot. I hope it's clear now... Feel free to ask if you need more help.

my best...
hi there!

looks like Tail End Charlie or you already fixed it. Sorry about the technical difficulty - cause in my case, any kind of technicality is difficult!

thanks: oops:

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