Box art.....

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That's the chap Wayne!
Those 'F16 look-alike things' never went into production. It was the Saunders Roe SR53(?) - I think that was the number anyway - in the first pic. It was an experimental aircraft, to test systems etc, and Airfix actually did a model of it once! The other one was a Hawker design, that never got past the drawing board I believe, as work concentrated on the Harrier. I think it was the P1147, but not sure. The basic design 'rose from the dead' with the EAP, which, twenty years later, became the Typhoon II.
Hardy is the chap who does/did the artwork for the RAF Journals, such as The Year Book, a good artist, with a simple style, but I don't think as detailed or as 'dynamic' in the portrayal of the scene as Roy Cross's box art. But then, different area and differing requirements.
That's what the TSR2 would have looked like in service, if the Labour Government of the time hadn't murdered it.
Hardy is the chap who does/did the artwork for the RAF Journals, such as The Year Book

That's the man Airframes. He also use to paint the artwork covers for Air International in the early seventies. The paintings above come from the 1976 Year Book for an article titled "Wings Clipped and Cancelled."

Top image...
Flying overhead...Saro SR.177.
Tarmac...Hawker P.1081.

Bottom image...
Background...Hawker P.1121.
Foreground...the unmistakeable BAC TSR 2.
Hmm, expect a flurry of wraparound TSR2s over the next few months! Graeme, thanks for the info on the cancelled types. The P.1121 looks familiar - was it derived from the Hunter? The other two are new to me though, that's something else I've learned from this forum 8)
Just shows you that modelling IS educational! 8)

Yes, that b****y Airfix Skyhawk of mine has expanded my vocabulary in ways I can scarcely explain So has trying to order paint for next three builds from White Ensign Models, only to discover that their website doesn't like my PC and won't let me order. Typically, they are the only place I've found who do everything I want in one place for a decent price. Back to I guess, might buy a cheapo kit as well to make the P&P a little less painful

Seriously though, I'm always learning here, there are some very knowledgeable folks out there and I think we're all lucky they enjoy spending time here educating us all 8)
Thanks for the info re the 'might have beens' Graeme - I was nearly right with the numbers!
I thought I recognised the picture, I've actually got that publication somewhere I think! When I was at the roll-out for the EAP (fore-runner of EFA then Typhoon) at Warton, back in '86, there were prints on the walls of some of the cancelled types, including the one in the picture you posted. It was interesting to compare it to the EAP at the time. Gosh, 1986! How time flies!!
I've seen some camo'd TSR2's done but they have small red/blue RAF roundels, it looks better with the larger red/white/blue ones. I'm taking a drive over to the LHS later!

Bomb Taxi, try e-mailing White Ensign with your order if you have problems with the site, or even phone them. Their paint is great!
Excellent !
His artwork alone must have sold lots of kits !

It would! Like many here I grew up with the action packed art work of Roy Cross. I believe it has been collected into a couple of volumes which can be bought, it certainly deserves to be.

Compare that image that was posted by Lucky 13 above with this pathetic effort (from my current project).

It's just awful in every respect, both content and technically.


Excellent !
His artwork alone must have sold lots of kits !

Well, they sure did to me!!

Yip, I've seen two volumes, hope to buy them both at some point...
PC in kits boxarts is a joke....some need to buy those two aforementioned volumes and learn!

Not as bad as some of the work on Hobbycraft box-tops though !

True old boy!

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