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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Have you ever come into contact with someone bragging about their time in the military, thinking that they're ALL THAT and where you have had to take them down a few pinholes?

I'm just asking because I read about the 101st Airborne a while back, Screaming Eagles, right? That reminded me about a para who had done hundreds of jumps and thinking he was THE man. He had started to talk to an older gentleman one day, bragging away like usual with all the jumps he had done all over the place etc. He finally asked the man if he had done any parachute drops, and the man said yes....three. The guy smiled big and asked where that might have been....


I can't remember the story, writing from my memory, maybe you've heard it and can correct me....
At least that. Unfortunately, there are plenty of blow-hards out there that brag about this, that and the other. While most vets are proud of the service they did, few go around boasting like that, thankfully.
Very true... Boasters are usually the REMF's that sat around all day shuffling papers, they didnt do sh!t....

Problem I have is that I have to keep to myself and be vague alot of times, point in example...

I went down to the VFW awhile back and ran into an old buddy of mine.... We were joined by another fella that was with the Air Cav in Nam... We talked some, then that guy disapears.... 10 minutes later, i had people all over me askin this and akin that.... ITS ANNOYING!!!

I still am getting phone calls about coming to this function, that engagement, can u come speak for us blah blah blah....

If u ever meet someone who says he's SpecOps and starts blabbering away about this mission/that kill, call bullsh!t on em.... As a few of us here know VERY well, those who have been through it usually dont like to talk about it in details, or brag about how many kills they had.......

Nightmares come from those stories, and re-telling them is tough....
The deputy manager in one of my old jobs used to go on and on about his time in the forces. He'd keep telling us all these killing techniques he knew, how he could live in the wild for a month, basically as if he'd been part of the SAS. Anyways eventually the truth came out; he'd spent 3 months there as the bugler. He tended to keep quiet after that!
Talk is cheap the guys who really did the buisness cant boast ,they are in cemetaries around the world or have no grave at all, so its important that guys like us remember them, as the vets are getting fewer who remember their mates and its the least we can do.
Very true... Boasters are usually the REMF's that sat around all day shuffling papers, they didnt do sh!t....

Problem I have is that I have to keep to myself and be vague alot of times, point in example...

I went down to the VFW awhile back and ran into an old buddy of mine.... We were joined by another fella that was with the Air Cav in Nam... We talked some, then that guy disapears.... 10 minutes later, i had people all over me askin this and akin that.... ITS ANNOYING!!!

I still am getting phone calls about coming to this function, that engagement, can u come speak for us blah blah blah....

If u ever meet someone who says he's SpecOps and starts blabbering away about this mission/that kill, call bullsh!t on em.... As a few of us here know VERY well, those who have been through it usually dont like to talk about it in details, or brag about how many kills they had.......

Nightmares come from those stories, and re-telling them is tough....

I completely agree Les.

I dont have a problem talking about my war time experiences but at the same time I dont like to go in depth about the death and all. Just not something I care to talk about.
I tihnk it's a natural reaction, if I meet someone who's seen combat, I tended to go into schoolboy mode and keep asking what it was like, what happened etc. Of course it must be hard to recollect such things, and it doesn't get easier with time. One of my great uncle's was at Sword, but he never spoke a word about it for the rest of his life - I can only presume what he saw there was just too horrific
Yep, I reckon that must be one of the hardest things to cope with...

I had a peaceful 12 years in the RAF, and pretty much saw it as a regular job... 8)

The Falklands happened while I was in, but they decided that the logistics of setting up Bloodhounds down there were not possible, so I never went.

SAS, Delta Force, Commandos, etc. - Not my idea of fun - hats off to them of course, but it's friggin dangerous! :shock:

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