Breda Ba.25 at Rechlin

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Jan den Das

Feb 17, 2009
In his book "The Rich Booty, Italian aircraft in Luftwaffe service", by Hans Werner Neulen, is written on site 67, Erprobungsstelle Rechlin, a list with aircraft. One of them is the Breda 25, which makes we very interresting, because vor several years I am inquiring and collecting everything I can get concerning Breda aeroplanes/projects.
I like to know from were this aeroplane came, history, serialnumber, picture('s).
Was this a Breda 25 and not a Breda 28.
The Breda 25 has no part in the German aviation history, but the Breda 28 has.
Before the Anschluss the Austrian received 12 Breda Ba.28 trainers (serial 511 – 522), after the Anschluss only 10 were left.
The onlything I found/received is:
2 to Zeugamt in Erding (517 – 519)
511-513, 515, 518, 520-522 to NSFK Gruppe 17
Until now I have received nothing about the history from after the Anschluss.
In Luftfuhrer 1938 are the serials D-IHWF, D-INKD, D-ITQG, D-INMD, D-IVKK, D-IQJK mentioned and I received from some one, without source, serial DK+EH (Rechlin ???)
Were there only 6 left in 1938?
I hope someone can help me with infotmation/pictures?
An other question concerning Janes All the worlds aircraft, the part about Breda, who can helpe me?
Its concerning the following years: 1921, 1922, 1923, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939, 1940.

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