A look at German fighter Ace kill claims (2 Viewers)

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A while back someone created an account here to attack Calum and his book. This was a very personal attack as well, very nasty. Calum was upset, rightfully so.

We moderators defended Calum and his book. This poster who was attacking him was way out of line. At one point, the poster accused us moderators of some things, and said we would delete one his posts to censor him. We decided to not delete it because it really showed how deranged he was. Everyone knew this attacker was full of it.

Anyhow, after everything was done Calum changed his profile picture to say "Leaving the Forum" and sadly asked the moderator staff to delete all his posts. We told him we would not do that because it would mess the flow of threads up. He then sadly asked to have his account deleted, which we complied with as we cannot force anyone to remain here.

It was a very unfortunate situation.

I see. It's sad because in a way the attacker got what he wanted as Calum ended up leaving. The fact the attacks were very personal makes it worse.
Surviving German victory claims files are downloadable from the Bundesarchiv (file RL 5/1451 for example), RAF Squadrons' Operations Record Books are downloadable from the UK National Archives, USAAF Missing Air Crew Reports are available on Fold3.com (and elsewhere, I think). This will give you what you need to compare a sample of German accredited victories with losses by the Western Allies.

If you find, as you almost certainly will, cases where more German victories were accredited than Allied aircraft were lost or even damaged then logically it would seem that you should accept that accredited totals are not wholly reliable.

I've actually done this exercise, for example with I./JG 2's deployment to Italy from February to April 1944. They claimed 52 victories against actual Allied losses of 20–25 in the combats concerned.
As another source i would suggest Verliesregister 1939-1945 Alle militaire vliegtuigverliezen in Nederland tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog (2008) – Studiegroep Luchtoorlog 1939-1945

These are crashes registrered for the air war over Holland, both allies and german losses.
Please do not insult me. I'm well aware of the meaning of the two words.

If I moderate someone because of their opinion it's defacto censorship. Its not my job to moderate someone's opinion.
What you have done again is failed to show I asked for any censorship. I asked to mod the smearing:
Post 38
"Primary source, CHen10. And I can write that stuff, too, and have." Then "If that's the best you have, you don't have much."
Post 78 "You have a pet theory"
Post 84 "Get real."
Post 91 "suspicions of an author with a motive to sell books" and "modern revisionist"
What you have done again is failed to show I asked for any censorship. I asked to mod the smearing:
Post 38
"Primary source, CHen10. And I can write that stuff, too, and have." Then "If that's the best you have, you don't have much."
Post 78 "You have a pet theory"
Post 84 "Get real."
Post 91 "suspicions of an author with a motive to sell books" and "modern revisionist"

And I told him to stop. When those posts were written, everyone was going back and forth with snide comments. Hence why I did not single out a single person, but made general warnings to all. Did you not see those posts.

Post 91: I'll admit, I missed somehow. I would have addressed that. I'm human.

After three general warnings, I began to call out individuals. If Greg were to continue with snide comments after the warnings I would step in.

Believe me, my honest intent is to remain impartial. Hence why I have stayed out of the discussion.
I would like to apologize to everyone here. I started to lose my cool. I started to take some things personally. It was a rough day, but thats no excuse. Sorry…

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