Breda Be 88 lince mpm 1/72

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vikingBerserker not that great, awesome are you doing you jobs, that I'm learning from you more than in all the years I've been doing demos that are not few.
is a simple technique that taught me a great model on a course of tube airbrushers that the great good fortune to go, very diluted paint between 75% and 85%, very little needle travel, lowest air pressure, patience and little pulse nothing but go try it and see how great camouflage.
I'm glad you like
Thanks Airframes, giving is a compliment your words but after seeing your work, I had to set aside a few days to make the decals to a friend who is doing a very nice project about the war in Vietnam with two American vehicles and is hopefully as has to be, but will return soon and I'll give the final touch to finish it.
thanks wurger
if that is a little work but good results so it seems to me.
more photos

Klear is in the drying Timelines for 24 hours before the next hand will be another 24 horros drying, then the oils.
now news photos placed decals really pleasantly amaze me these decals



yet another day of rest for the Klear performed well as a touch dry before the oils for the last step
Looking really nice. Although the cockpit conopy would need some more of painting work on that.
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wurger the truth is that even I have to give some paint is true that this something to paint cockpit yet.
gnomey, vikingBerserker and N4521U thanks
my desire to see it placed in the window of my room I can, jajajaja, all fotmas as we do not paint with the airbrush, but I do brush better that comes attached to the plane

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