Bristol Engines.......... used on the Beaufighter

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Close-up of Blenheim prototype fuel dump...

starting again20161117_17551157.jpg
The only other engine installed on the Beaufighter was the Merlin. Oh, and one single example of a Wright Cyclone engined Beau in Australia.

Apart from the RR Griffon one


Probably had a lethal swing on takeoff - look at the lack of dihedral on the tailplane
The only other type of engine installed in the Beaufighter was the Merlin. Oh, and one single example of a Wright Cyclone engined Beaufighter developed in Australia.

Which, if what I read (many years ago) was accurate, needed a bit more vertical fin, as its yaw stability was marginal.
Can someone please educate me on the differences between the Beaufighter version of the Hercules engine and the Hercules used in other aircraft like the Halifax and Lanc?
I understand the Fighter Collection Beaufighter is stalled as they can't obtain the correct engine variant.

The differences are many but I can see no reason why a later model engine could not be used if they fit inside the cowls and on the mount. I know there was a change in engine diameter but I cannot remember which diameter is first - I think it was the larger one though and I know of at least four engine mount systems but that does not mean there were not others. Standardization is not a British trait.

A number of the later versions had torque meters but that is only a nose case change and if it was left on most people would not know the difference anyway. Most postwar engines had rear exhausts and that is only baffle changes from memory

The attached manual covers one set of post war engines, several mounts, several exhausts, with and without torque meters. The watermark is to stop unscrupulous scum selling copies of the manual.


  • Bristol Hercules 630 srs EMM (47-03) ww2.pdf
    44.2 MB · Views: 261

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