C-130J Demo

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I worked with a guy who was a C-130J driver. He was adamant that he could avoid a fighter in mountainous terrain based upon his low and slow turn abilities, ECM, chaff and flares. I was dubious. Still am. But that does open my eyes a bit.
Would be interesting to know his take-off fuel state. I'd like to see the read out from his FDR. Superb flight!
Great video,last year on the way to go muzzle loading for elk towards Gunnison this c130 was flying real low buzzing thru the mountains,saw him 5 or 6 times and it was cool watching him.
You should try being back in the cargo bay, sitting in those sideways canvas seat while a C-130 goes thru climbs and turns close to that. Truly stomach churning.
Yeah the whole demonstration with the ramp extended, all I could think about was the loadmaster looking straight down to cold hard ground. That had to be a bit unnerving!
Good stuff, but you gotta remember, this was for the Paris Air Show, and the C-130 normally does not fly like that.

Did you hear the alarms going off ? He was really pushing it !

Yessir that is true. Obviously pushing the envelope with little fuel and no cargo (weight). But GWPS, stall warning and flight control warnings are not out of the norm for such maneuvers.
Yessir that is true. Obviously pushing the envelope with little fuel and no cargo (weight). But GWPS, stall warning and flight control warnings are not out of the norm for such maneuvers.

Especially with such a big airplane, and flying it out the normal envelope, you will get alot of bells and whistles going off.

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