C-53 Crashed in '46 - Looking for Info on Plane

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Feb 25, 2007
My name is Alberta Snavely Taubert. My grandmother, Alberta Snavely was on a C-53 transport plane that crashed in the alps in 1946. I have finally found a copy of the book, "Twelve Walked Away" written about it but would like to find a picture of the exterior and interior of the plane as well as a drawing of the interior layout. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
A C-53 looks identical to a C-47 Skytrain. The only difference is that the C-53 has only a small door for paratroopers and no cargo door. I have pictures of both interior and exterior of a C-53 on my home computer. I will post the interior shots tomorrow. Here is the exterior of one. Note the door just forward of the invasion stripes.


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Here is the inside of that same aircraft. One shot is from the rear of the cabin looking forward and the other from the front, looking aft.


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Thank you so much for the great pictures! I look forward to the others. One of the women on the plane which went down in the alps wrote a book about the event titled "Twelve Walked Away" (because miracaluously all abord survived). The author describes the interior and how the incline of how they crash landed posed such a problem for them. Being a visual person it will be very helpful to me to be able to see the inside of the plane.
What the pictures don't show is that the interior is on quite an incline anyway because of the landing gear being a tail dragger. It's quite pronounced. It's good testimony to the design that they all walked away. The DC-3 designed aircraft were very reliable and durable. There are companies still flying them today to haul cargo.
Thank you again, the pictures are great and give me a much clearer understanding. And that's interesting about the landing gear, I can't wait to share all of this with my brothers and sisters, thank you again.

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