Can you Identify my Propeller?

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Looking closer it looks a lot like the prop off of a L-19 Birdog but those props were probably used on a lot of different craft. I have several photos of a birddog with a variable pitch prop. I will try to find it and post it tomorrow. It's getting late and I need some sleep. I will leave note by my keyboard so I don't forget.
its worth the try haha, i enjoy the challenge anyways, havent researched so much in my life
does it have a hole throught the middle? splines in there or tapered shaft? see how it mounts. it looks to me like a ground adjustable prop for a opposed type of engine. under 200 hp. post pics if the mounting area. and total length of the prop.
i believe it is this one because the back of the propeller is the original paint and is black.If you could give your opinion that would be great hartzite/HartzH-HC-12X20-i1-l.jpg

This is also the Hartzell-HC-12X20 in larger image.

Is this the same type as yours??
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im gonna get some clearer pictures and the dimensions tomorrow afternoon so hopefully that will help
okay hopefully this worked here are the pictures

NOTE: Photos removed by moderator
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Quinn - your first photo is terrible...

In the second photo, what are the numbers above "blade angle?" Additionally around the inner and outer hub, are there any numbers stamped into hub?
Thanks quinn2234 for your new photos.
Please let me resize them...


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Would that be the same as on a T-34 Mentor?

Not really sure - most T-34s had Hartzell Props and in some cases went to 3 bladed props. A Beech constant speed prop is mentioned in the TCDS for the aircraft. One interesting thing - the low pitch setting is 11.5 degrees - the same indicated on the prop. I'm going to do some more research.

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