Canadian Forces Order new tanks

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Tech Sergeant
Oct 3, 2005
After we heard that our boys had to park their leapord C2's because of heat exhuastion

We were in the market for new tanks, cheap tanks, but when Stephen Harper realised that his price range of 600.000 a tank was sorely unrealistic.

he ordered 100 Leapard A2's and is leasing 25-50 for immeadiate deployment to Afghanistan

Leapord A2's man, gives me a hard on

Now we have, or going to have a modern tank forces
Err, leasing? Are there mileage restrictions?

And is it the Leopard I A2 or the newer Leopard 2 A5 or A6?
The Leopard C2 that the Canadians use now are Leopard Is that first originated in 1965. The Canadians got the C1 in 1978/1979 and upgraded them to C2s.

The Leopard IIs come in these varients:

2 Hel
2 (S)
2 140mm

The thing that I think is funny is the Canadians are getting the older A2 varients when there are newer better varients out there.
The thing that I think is funny is the Canadians are getting the older A2 varients when there are newer better varients out there.

It's b/c we don't even try to pretend we have a tough military, so why buy top of the lines tanks for top dollar. When we can ride the coat tails of the most powerful nation on the planet. :lol: And buy second rate tanks and save big bucks. :lol:

I would not call the A2 a second rate tank. The A2 is very good tank and ranks up there with the best but there are just better varients out there now.
I would be worried if you are getting versions of the Leopard 1 as it was never designed to be a well protected tank hence the later versions.
The Leopard 2 is a whole different ball game.
They were able to pick them up really cheap, it was better for the German Army to sell them cheap then have to store and maintain them I'm sure some upgrading wiil be done. Lets hope its a better deal then those Brit subs we bought:oops:
Oh dear, now I am really worried. Ever thought that you may have got them cheap because no one else wanted them?

If you wanted second hand tanks, I am afraid you missed the bargin of the decade when Jordon were first in the queue and bought all the Challanger I tanks we had spare.
Oh dear, now I am really worried. Ever thought that you may have got them cheap because no one else wanted them?

If you wanted second hand tanks, I am afraid you missed the bargin of the decade when Jordon were first in the queue and bought all the Challanger I tanks we had spare.
Your not trying to trick me now are you:shock:
Your not trying to trick me now are you:shock:

Nope far from it. The British used the Challanger I in the first Gulf War where it performed well, in many peoples eye's better than anything including the M1 version at the time. Before the second Gulf war we developed the Challanger II and sold all the Mk I's to the Jordanian army.

The Jordanians have always tended to do this. They replaced Their Centurians with Chieftains that we had built to sell to Iran in the days of the Shah but didn't deliver and called these the Khalid. During the Iran / Iraq war they bought Russian tanks and gave those to Iraq for captured Iranian Chieftains.

And then they bought the Challanger I's to replace their reamaining Centurians.

Smart bunch the Jordanians and the one Arab army the Israeli army treat with respect. If you could take out the air element the Jordanians would be a good match for the IDF.
Great ! So we bought British submarines that were outdated (in fact, so outdated that one of them caught fire before it could make it to Canada, killing one sailor and wounding an other) and now we are buying used tanks ?

I'm taking bets... Who thinks that we're gonna spend a few more billions only to restore them ? And that's if they don't blow up before !

Canadian tank 1 : "Ennemy in sight ! Everyone, open fire !"


Mohamed : "Yussef, look at them. Their tanks are burning !"
Yussef : "And we didn't even shoot a single round !"


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