Captured Fw190 pic wanted

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
I've got a captured butcherbird picture request.
Has anyone got an actual photo of this Fw?

I have the decals, and this illustration for the GB and am looking for a real picture.

Thanks, Bill


  • late A-4.jpg
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Bill, I'm not sure but the painting of the captured Wurger in the profile you posted, might be a little bit incorrect. I have checked the net and found these shots only....


  • cap0.jpg
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  • fw190.usa.jpg
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And here two shots for the Wurger in post #2... source - the Internet


  • US Fw190A.jpg
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  • US Fw190A_1.jpg
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I have small history book on the 325th - I'll check to see if there is a pic of that FW. I know there is one of the 109 they had which I think they painted all black.
I have small history book on the 325th - I'll check to see if there is a pic of that FW. I know there is one of the 109 they had which I think they painted all black.

Do you mean the one?



  • 32b1uq2.jpg
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