Captured JU87D used by RAF 112 Sqn

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Nov 3, 2004
Can anyone help identify the unit that had JU87D coded HK927? Any details would be greatly appriciated for my website.

Thanks Rob


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This one may have been from the same unit as 112 sqn Stuka was from any opions? caption read Spike standing in front of a captured Stuka used by RAF.


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the crow image on the left side of the cowling represents I./St.G. 1 and was used on their B's and R's only.
Finally found the one I seek although I am hard pressed to find any emblem painted on the engine cowling.


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This model represents a JU 87-B2 belonging to 6./ST.IIGR.2 Stukageschwader, North Africa 1941.


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Hubert Pölz's Snake
Hasegawa Junkers Ju 87R-2/trop
excellent information found here:

The man...
Hubert Pölz was one of the outstanding Stuka pilots who served with the famous StG 2 Immelman. He fought in Balkans, North Africa and Soviet Union. For the latter exploit he was awarded with Knight's Cross and Oak Leaves. He survived the war as commander of I/SG 151.

... the machine ...
Hubert Pölz's snake-marked Ju 87 Stuka is arguably the ultimate example of World War II German nose-art. Despite all the popularity this Ju 87R-2/trop is somewhat mysterious. It is even not sure if this very Stuka was his personal mount.

Probably during a certain period of time around July 1942 the entire flight of 6/StG 2 bore the snake emblem. It is still not established with any degree of certainty if the snake was white-and-red or white-and-sand. Analysing surviving photos it is less likely that the snake was formed out of white outlines only. I decided to choose white and red simply because I liked it better :eek:)

The remaining colors of Pölz' Stuka were quite obvious. European bomber scheme of RLM 70/71/65 was overpainted with big sharp-edged patches of sand colour. It is not know what shade of sand paint was used - RLM 79, one of Italian Giallo Mimetico paints or "liberated" RAF stocks - it's your guess as well as mine.


  • gronczewski_ju87_03_667.jpg
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Schiffer book, luftwaffe in the north african campaign has a picture of one of the snake Stuka's in it.....Page 76, It is the mount flown by Lt. Polz from 6/StG2, shown from cockpit foward....btw, How is my Galland signed 109 photo doing? the Hartmann photo is doing well, if I ever decide to sell it your name is on it....
so sorrey, I thought you did, have you had a chance to look at the schiffer book and was the picture what you were looking for?
About the "snake" Stuka:
There is an interesting article in in issue 7 of Luftwaffe im Focus magazine
with never published before images.
You can find a French translation of text and captions here:

Some brief notes taken from that article :
1) camouflage is standard ETO scheme overpainted with Italian Giallo
Mimetico (not Sandgelb 79), with underside left in Hellblau 65.

2) Tail is partly painted with 65 to reduce the apparent size.

3) Codes are T6 + DP (with yellow D). And there is another snake plane
coded T6 + AN (with red A)

4) Spinner was yellow spotted with Giallo mimetico.

I had not been able to get the magazine. Is there anyone who can access
it and give a look the published photos?
I've read ,somewhere, an article about a colour interpretation of black-white pictures.There were some with the Ju-87, as I remember the snake on Stuka fuselage was whitout red spots, because its camouflage was visible at these places.I'll try to find the article and sent something.

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