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I think there a great car and alot more robust than they look. Speaking of Fords my old man used to own a Ford Pilot it was one of the first cars built in the UK fitted with the legendary V8 configured engines imported from the states definately the best car Fords ever made over here.
cheddar cheese said:
As much as 90p now? Jeez thats bad. I went to the local garage earlier and it was 'only' 83p. I remember when it was under 70p a litre.

you guys have a dollar equivalent for that? Here in central Texas its about $2.15 per gallon.
Well, I don't drive so it doesn't bother me!

(I'm sure it will in the next year or so - I'm gonna get the degree out of the way first before thinking about driving lessons/test again. I can drive if it was life or death though - I just have a provisional licence)
But the UK has a much better transit system to get around. I remember using it alot when I was there, even though I owned a car. I NEVER drove in London, way too crazy, especially the cabs on Oxford Street. I think land speed records are broken there regularly! We drove into Redbridge and took the Tube into London from there. I still have an all day Tube pass from 1985 or so. It cost me 2 pounds 60. I am sure it is a but more now!
MikeMan said:
Fav car: Porsche 959, no doubt.
Car I would drive if I won the lottery today: Aston Martin DB9

the 959 is an incredible machine. If I won the lottey today, i'd go get a ford svt lightning, a 911 turbo would be the next in line but I'm in college and i gotta move loads of crap around.
evangilder said:
I still have an all day Tube pass from 1985 or so. It cost me 2 pounds 60. I am sure it is a but more now!

Oh yes. See for yourself!

But you're quite right, anyone who takes a car in to London must have a really good reason or be a masocistic!

Apart from which, they've introduced the 'Congestion Charge'. Everyone kicked off about it to begin with, but it's now been accepted as part of life, mainly because the place was grinding to a halt.
Geez! That looks confusing as heck too! I seem to remember it being an all day, anywhere pass. I will have to see if I can find it again and take a look. My house is crazy right now! We sold our townhouse and have an offer on a single family house. I hate moving, but it's all for a good reason, so, oh well!
If the whole Jag plan doesn't amount to anything...

I intend to get myself one of these.

It's definetly one of my favorite 911s...

Black, Turbo-look kit (mahoosive spoiler and widened rear wings/fenders/arches), body color Fuchs wheels, Targa top. My idea of sexy for a viable first car.

If any of you happen to be ridiculously wealthy philantrophist types, you can make me happy by giving this guy a ring and getting it transported from Virgina to Cali for me.
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