CBI 80th Air Depot Panagarh, India

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Honourably banned
Mar 26, 2007
The daily work of keeping airplanes in the air by taking apart war weary ones and warehousing the ones that could be needed later on. Not often one comes across such a large number of pictures all taken at Panagarh wich depicts the scale of this operation very nicely. Note the P-61 Black Widow was no exception.

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Take a look at this article: 9th PHOTO RECON SQUADRON

Note that at the end of the war the 9th PRS aircraft, including the "hot rod" were scrapped.

One of my college professors was an infantry officer in WWII. After the war in southern Germany they got 100 war weary B-25's to scrap. He planned to remove the radios and set up a comm net for the forces there. He was told he would do NO SUCH thing and a general officer came to personally explain it to him. They wrapped primacord around the aft fuselage and wings, blew them apart and buried them, radios and all. Presumably, they are still there.
Panagarh, India: P-61Bs, formerly of the 426th or 427th NFS, awaiting the salvager's chopping block in the fall of 1945.

Fantastic thread and photos. Thank you. Panagarh was abandoned for years but was resurrected in 1971 as an Indian Air Force base.

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