Centennial Bulb-Longest Operating Light Bulb!

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Not to blow my own horn, but......
If you click on the Livermore Heritage Guild,
I restored to front on the old Duarte Garage building and lettered the old red fire engine.

I used to letter the fire engines in Livermore as well.
They moved the light from the main street (First St) old fire house to the new one and had to keep the light lit in transit.

This is back when I had a sign shop in Livermore in the 70's to 90's.
Just sayin.
Not to blow my own horn, but......
If you click on the Livermore Heritage Guild,
I restored to front on the old Duarte Garage building and lettered the old red fire engine.

I used to letter the fire engines in Livermore as well.
They moved the light from the main street (First St) old fire house to the new one and had to keep the light lit in transit.

This is back when I had a sign shop in Livermore in the 70's to 90's.
Just sayin.

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