Change the Christmas banner? (1 Viewer)

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As you can see in my screenshot. I guess I just never noticed before.
Clearing cache doesn't seem to help. But it can of course still be the cache on Apache. We'll have to wait for a few hours then.
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Yes do that all the time and cleaning cache etc. Seems to be working on the iPad now, when I'm not logged in. On my wife's Win7 machine I still have the problem, never visited the site on that computer so it can hardly be the browser's cache. Maybe a user-bound cache in the forum software?

edit: the problem only occurs when you resize the browser. The forum adjusts to window-size, but the banner doesn't. The reason that you don't see it is because your window is maximised so the screen is wide enough. Could you try the size=80% option in the image-tag?
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Let's wait for some of time. I don't really have any troubles with that. New settings have to be spread around the net.

Please click the refresh button of the net browser with the Win7.
Not here, even after deleting the .mozila folder from my home directory.

Must be the server's cache. I do have this problem sometimes on the servers I maintain. My solution is usually to close down Apache and flush the cache.
I don't have the access to the server cache. Sorry. But it is really very strange. GG has all it working fine with many devices. Also me. It seems that there is aproblem with setting of your machine.
I don't have the access to the server cache. Sorry. But it is really very strange. GG has all it working fine with many devices. Also me. It seems that there is aproblem with setting of your machine.
I highly doubt that. Installed a fresh chromium and that one has the same problem. Must be the server cache. Apache caches per ip address. This would explain why I have this problem on all my machines, as the share a common external IP. My iPad is over 3G, so that would explain why it works there, different IP. I'll just wait. If I'm the only one with the problem, it's not worth the time. It's not a big problem anyway.

edit: I still think it's a common problem. Have you tried to make your browser window 640px wide? The iPad has a resolution of 1024, which is probably enough. Anyway, not important. Thanks for looking into it.
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Wuger, could it be that he is on the old style page. Down at the very bottom is a button that says --fluid_ww2_update. Now that is what mine is one and everything lines up, but there are two other styles besides the one I listed ;
Quick Style Chooser
Standard Styles
--Metro Fluid
Mobile Styles
--Default Mobile Style

Could it be possible Marcel is on a style not compatible with the phone he's using? He's cleared his cache.

It's not on the phone. On iOS it works fine, but on Firefox and Chrome on normal desktop computers and laptops I get this problem. When the browser is maximised, the banner lines out well, no problem there. But if I resize the window, I get what you saw in the previous post. My screen is 1280 px wide. If I set the window to half that size, 640 px, the banner sticks out on the right.

My guess is that the banner is of fixed width. This means that you guys should have the same problem if you tile your browser window with aerosnap on your win7 machine. So if you grab the window and drag it to the far left of your screen, windows will resize the browser to exactly half of your screen. Of course if you have a full hd monitor, you won't have a problem, but with half hd like mine, the banner will become too wide.
The christmas banner is just less wide, that's why it works on iPads.
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I think Marcel is right. I work with maximised window. But when I made it resized down the banner was adjusting to the forum size to a certain point then it started to be wider that the forum workbench. I checked it with other computer and OS yesterday using different IP and got the same. The problem is that the forum banner should be of the same width the forum workbench is. But even though it would be fixed its adjusting was kept to the point I mentioned above and the was clipped. To fix the problem the edditing of the forum script code is needed. And it can be done by Admin only.
On the other hand , why don't work with maximised window and think there is something wrong.

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