Cheats in multiplayer?

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Senior Airman
I just started playing online, it is the most!, but I have a doubt about it, recently saw a HE111 twin doing hard turns and fighting me as a fighter, and in other server some guy wrote: cheats detected!.
Well, the question is: maybe that any players are using cheats?, and: how to detect them?.
Note: if the HE111 was just a "superpilot", forgive this suspicious thread.

Are you sure it wasn't a HE 111 being escorted by Me-110's who then engaged you? Or a Ju 88? Lastnight online I escorted some heavies with a Me-110 and engaged some fighters on spit vs. 109's.

"Cheating detected" only means that someone is lagging causing them to "warp".
Guys also need to keep in mind that now the source has been cracked, they can build any type of mods, including "uber planes"...

We had that problem years ago in CFS2 with the super-mods...

That was one of the reasons Oleg was so adamant about keeping the source under wraps.

We were only two players, and the other guy was riding an enormous zwilling that managed to be always at my six (I had a La 7 or something alike). The only reason for this question is that I don´t like waste my time playing in odd conditions. If I am shooted down in fair play everything is ok.
Edit: few minutes later he did the same with a B17 (I had forgotten that).
There is some weird things going on in HL. I only fly WoP servers because they are admin'ed pretty strictly and they are full switch. I was in a P-51D on another server and was BnZ'ing and had a P-40 climbing just as fast as I was. I swear that the ini. files for engine performance has been cracked.

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