Classic Airframes 1/48 Grumman J2F Duck for USS Yorktown...

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You probably have these, but I thought I would pass on what I've got.
None mention the Duck. Have you found the sqn that had this plane in it's inventory?

If you (or any others that may) have additional info please pass it back.

60 bucks for that CA kit, ouch.
Anxious to see this build, always have liked the Duck.


  • Air Groups on CV-5 USS York...pdf
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  • CV-5_10 Sqns.pdf
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  • USS Yorktown sqn list.pdf
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Is there a way to figure out which (one or several) Grumman Ducks flew from USS Yorktown CV-5? I don't think that you can enlarge this pic to see the serial, not been very successful myself anyway...
Went back to where I found the photo her...and it says:

Photo #: 80-CF-54867-2

Grumman J2F-1 Utility Plane (Bureau # 0169)

On the midships elevator of USS Yorktown (CV-5), 2 November 1937.
This aircraft is plane # 4 of the ship's utility unit.

Wonder if the other ones were 'Ducks' too.
How many aircraft did a Utility Unit have back then?

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