Doesn't wash, Tom. My civilian wages just a couple of years later were many times military, my life style was WAY better even in college, and I wasn't tied to the chow hall, the military housing, or military health care (trainees, for the most part).
I had a good time in the Air Force, and I assume you did from you comments above. But it was the pits as far as opportunities for advancement go and getting ahead. I would not have traded it for a production job at the time, but the pay in the 1970s was far from OK. The only reason it was even reasonable is I was single and didn't have a family at the time. Had that been the case, they would have had some wants that I would not have desired to go unfulfilled. I was a 3 srtriper, not exactly at the top of the heap. I could have bought a car or two also, but not if I had a wife and kids. It was either - or, not both.
No pissing contest here, but if you thought it was OK, we have different ideas of what that means. As a single person, you could do fine. The families I knew were happy but forced to be too frugal for my tastes.
Perhaps it is a matter of perspective and, if so, that is fine. Had I been, say, a Captain getting flight pay, I might have a different view of things. All I ever wanted to do was fly ... but enlisted people didn't do that much those days ... maybe Warrant Officers in UH-1s. I worked on Minuteman ICBM sites and LCFs. It was work, but not what I'd choose for a life's career. I'd have been happier with an A & P, but we didn't get to choose. The people in "Dreams and Schemes" did, and it wasn't my first or second choice that I got, much like a lot of other people. So, it was OK for a time but I would not have stayed in in that AFSC (316X0G).
Perhaps another one that I chose instead of some AF planner. At least I had a good look at South Dakota and Vanderburg AFB.
Ain't BS, it's what I KNOW to be true, at least for my tastes. You feel differently, and that's fine. We all had our own experiences.
My idea of a good time wasn't what you said above, but thanks for the good thoughts. I never said things like that to you. Why come to me with crap like that? You don't know me at all.
But then again, it's just what the officers at the time thought, too. They figured we were getting what we needed and should have been satisfied. But they never noticed that they were the only ones driving Corvettes. None of the enlisted guys were that I knew, except for Don Garlitis' brother ... Don gave him a nice car, and yes, it was fast.
Here's a Military pay chart from the times.
I was an E-4. What were you? With flight pay? Look at an E-4 pay (monthly) and tell me you;d have been happy with it and would have paid off 2 cars in 8 years.