Competition Time: Kagero Top Drawings Messerschmitt Bf 110-G All Models

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Tech Sergeant
Jun 30, 2008
London, England.

Thanks to the generosity of a special Polish person I have a spare copy of this fine book to give away, complete with decals.

All you have to do is answer this simple question:

Who flew Bf110E-2/N, Stkz. VJ+OQ?

First come, first served.

I can already hear the Googling......
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Thanks mates!
Paul, I would say that special Polish person isn't the only one generous around here. Very nice of you. One PM coming your way...
O, I'm sure I will. Thanks again...
Funny thing about the code of Hess' aircraft. I had it in the back of my head, but couldn't put my finger on it so I really had to google it to be sure after all.
I'll have to make my next competition question Google - proof!

Q/ What colour socks was Werner Streib wearing in his record breaking debut with the He219 A-0?

One white, one grey! The rear fuselage of Hess's aircraft used to be at Duxford, but I missed it during my last visit - wonder if it's still there?
It's on display at the IWM London now Terry.

White? Grey? You're guessing Terry....

I can tell you what colour his underwear was when he "landed" that UHU.

Thanks for the info Paul - wondered what had happened to it. BTW, I have it on very good authority that his socks were those colours - they got mixed up in the wash! His undies, on the other hand, were never seen again ......
Have you ever seen the photos of that UHU he, er, landed that night? There's definitely a dark streak down the middle of that runway...

Just a touch late Andy. I think I might do another Nachtjagd themed competition in the near future - possibly UHU shaped.

.... and I've come up with a right b*stard of a question to go with it!
Glad to report that I received this book from Paul today. All came in one piece, with only one corner of the book slightly bent (courtesy of the post office no doubt). But it's not a big deal. Decals are intact.
Thanks again Paul.

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