Controversial airplanes...

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Could L-M restart F-22 production or was this a case of the Avro Arrow with all drawings, jigs, etc. purposely destroyed?

The aircraft was actually built by L-M and Boeing. L-M had the forward fuselsage and tail, Boeing built the aft fuselage and wings.

To answer your question though...

No, it cannot be built again.
Sending F-4 Phantom IIs to tangle with Vietnamese MiG-19 and MiG-21 without a gun was a controversial design decision, or should have been IMO. Did anyone ask the pilots what they wanted or needed?
Hmmm.. where to start.

First the MiG-19 was not used in numbers until late in the war. The VNAF used MiG-17s and 21s

The no gun F-4 was a design philosophy that was brought in during the 1950s. Pilots weren't invited to the table until the airwar wasn't going well. It might have worked until politicians created Rules of Engagements that would limit the effectiveness of air to air missiles (among other things) . Last, the Sparrow missile was junk and was not suited for combat in SE Asia.

Despite all this, the USN and USAF did eventually gain higher kill ratios, the US Navy started Top Gun and that helped a lot.
I've read of some of the rules of engagement. B-52's having navigation lights on, flying the exact same routes, etc. I'm wondering what other rules were in effect?
When I asked about the B-1 I was wondering if it counted as controversial. Wasn't there a ruckus about its cost, it was canceled until it wasn't, and then we got the "B-1 lite"?
The B-1 program did have issues in the 70's and alot had to do with cost and the media (as usual) attacked it. So the program was suspended with a handful of B-1As completed.
The program was restarted in the 80's for several reasons, resulting in the B-1B, which did have some changes and upgrades.
The irony of this, is now the media heat was off the B-1 and instead, directed at the B-2 program.

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