Yes the germans are the bad guys and the allied are the good guys, it doesn't matter how and why are the circumstances!
Mr. Parsifal you make me sick with your argumentation! Believe your mystery myths and I believe in reality!
I never said the Germans were the bad guys and the allies were the good guys, but now that you mention it, after the war, Germany as a nation was found guilty of waging an aggressive war, and from that war guilt was found to be the fault of the Germans. Since you are the anti-Nazi that you claim, you should have no problem accepting that
There is no argument, no mystery. Germany undertook unrestricted U-Boat and surface raider attacks on neutral shipping both inside and outside declared neutrality zones. Ther were reasons for doing that. I am not arguing that. However the point at contention her has nothing to do with that. In the first instance the relevant issue is whether German actions caused or influenced a neutral block like the American states to drift to a pro-allied stance, not who committed war crimes, or who likes strawberry ice cream or who had honour and who didnt. And neither does whether you like me, or not. Frankly, I get a sense of achievment from the fact that i have made you sick.
In the second instance the issue is whether the germans were acting legally or illegally in attacking neutral shipping in a declared neutrality zone. You call that hocum and "mystery". I call that the difference between the western allies and Germany. Germany never cared about any nation but itself, and was prepared to say anything, do anything, to get its way. The German state had no respect for national decency or moral standards, and that my friend really ticks you off, i can tell. It certainly mattered to a country like the US, so deeply embedded with ideas of right and wrong, good and bad, righteous and evil. By the time the germans declared war on the US, I think it fair to say that the majority of US citizens viewed Nazi germany as an amoral state, that they would have to take action against sooner or later.
You don't get it! I hate nazis but I'm an idealist and that will include all perspective's of the war in WWII and the given history!
You can argument till the next century about german "piracy" and the "spirit" of US neutrality"!
For me I did doesn't count! The facts are counting nor more no less!
Your right I dont get it. You say that you are interested in the truth, but when it hits you in the face, you dont like it. After all the filibustering and aggression, this is waht it all boild down to
1) Did the german conduct of anti-shipping operations influence US attitudes towards the germans. Speicifically were the attacks on US shipping having a good effect or a bad one
2) Were unrestricted Uboat (and surface raider) attacks on neutral shipping legal under international law in the context of the war.
Ther is no inference on German honour or whatever the hell else you want to try to introduce into this argument. Concentrate on the issues at hand and see, if in that foggy thing you call your consciousness, whether you can figure it out or not
There are more then 100 issues were the US Navy radio reported the station of axis ships, to be secure that GB or Commenwealth ships hit the goal. The Us neutralty was on very weak feets at the chasing of Bismarck and the Larconia incedent will tell you very much!
The minutae of the American response to unrestricted U-Boat attacks against their shipping included closer co-operation with the Allies. The harder the Germans cracked their (illegal) whip, the closer the Americans drifted to the allied camp. Allied submarines and ships were not sinking without warning US ships ouside of a declared war zone. Neutral shipping within a declared war zone were sunk....without warning i might add, by the british, but that is a completely different circumstance to the one faced by the US.
This was stated from many historian all over the world! And now I'm out! Believe in your mystery myths, every normal member or guest of this forum, can get his own opinion with a little research! But please you should be secure when you raise the next mystery myth, I'm in!
Enjoy your holiday. Dont lose any slep about me will you..... ciao for now