Cr.42 with gunpods?

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Airman 1st Class
Feb 26, 2020
San Diego
Wikipedia and many other sources refer to Cr.42 fighter-bombers being fitted with 2 wing mounted .50cal gunpods. Does anyone have pictures of this configuration?
This profile, taken from Pinterest, appears in the Profile Publications #16 on the Cr. 42. It shows the pods on the lower wing underside wing roots.

This is the photo of that aircraft in the in the same publication. Hard to see but I think you can just make out the muzzles. This is a night fighter aircraft.

I could find no other pictures in any of my references and am not sure if this is what Wiki is referring to . Hope this helps.
Those are not gun pods but searchlights. They were installed under the wings of some Cr.42/CN's (Caccia Notturna).

Personally I have never read of any gunpods used on Cr. 42's, and I have extensively read about WW2 aviation for more than forty years.

The searchlights are really cool imo since i've never seen something like that on a nightfighter before and I really wish a picture existed of them turned on
When Ing. Felice Trojani presented to the Regia Aeronautica tecnical staff the design of AUT-18 the Chief of staff, Gen. Cebrelli, protested: "We tested two MG under the wings of a CR and shooting was impossible, his wings proved not stiff enough." But Sir" was Ing. Trojani reply "the CR wing is probably a dozen centimeters high, my airplane wing is 37 cm high..."
Felice Trojani, La coda di Minosse, Ed. Mursia.
So I doubt that CR-42 has ever had underwing guns.

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