Over Dieppe and the French campaign they lost at about 4:1.
Im not defending Mallory's or anybody's tactics, but its this kind pf one eyed selective editing of the real situations in order to run an agenda that really gets my hackles going. Overall, the campaigns in France were badly managed, and really brought out the RAFs failure to develop longer ranges for its aircraft, of which Dieppe was a prime example. However, there were other times, when the same tactics were employed, and LW losses were much closer to 1:1. Not just as a result of air wasnt tactics that delivered the RAF what meagre success it did achieve, but the overall loss rates from all causes that attrited the LW. its not that the RAF fought an exemplary didnt, but force an opponent to get airborne, force an opponent to get entangled with you, and your opponent will suffer losses, even if you are losing in the actual air combats. There is no such thing as a free lunch in airborne warfare. Moreover these campaigns were critical as a precusor to other developments in the war, often overlooked and conveniently forgotten. People will often trot out the devastation meted out on the LW from January 1944 on, without ever giving a second thought as top why they had become vulnerable by early 1944. It was the attrition, on all fronts (east west, south, even north) that gave the LW no rest, put it on a drip feed as far as replacing losses, that forced it into the situation it was in 1944. Give it even the slightest rest, and the LW will be exponentially stronger than it was by the time of the critical showdown. This is all linked back to the type of war the LW fought, fromeven before BoB. The losses over France were a part of that process.
Instead of trotting out the old chestnuts like Dieppe, we could talk about the RAF success, like June '42, where in Combat LW losses amounted to 89 aircraft and 105 damaged, versus 68 and 48 for the RAF. Sounds great, and challenges this notion about Mallory, or so it seems. But thats playing the same tricks with smoke and mirrors as we are attempting to do with Dieppe. Overall loss rates for the RAF, taking account other ops in the TO and non operational losses again pushed the proportion of losses in favour of the LW.
It had little to do with the tactics. It had everything to do with stretching the RAF beyond what it could reasonably undertake with the gear that it had. It had more to do with the fact that on those few occasions that the RAF got properly organised and looked like winning in the air, the LW refused to engage. It did have something to do with Mallory's stupidity, but this was a relatively minor issue compared to the other challenges being tackled at the time. And lastly , misreporting total LW loses is just one of my real bugbearts, and something I have spent a bit of time researching.