Custom decals for a 207 Squadron RAF Lancaster.

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Oct 26, 2020
My wifes uncle was lost in 1942 flying EM N and I would like to build a model with these markings which, I believe would have been white or cream. Does anyone do custom decals in 1/72nd scale?
Many thanks,
Rather of the RAF Medium Sea Grey or Dull Red or the Red with yellow outline depending on time ... IMHO
My wifes uncle was lost in 1942 flying EM N and I would like to build a model with these markings which, I believe would have been white or cream. Does anyone do custom decals in 1/72nd scale?
Many thanks,
Was he in R5632 EMN lost on Duisburg raid 24 July 42 or R5755 EMN lost on Bremen raid 4/5 Sep 42? Other threads indicate Air Ministry Order 664/42, directing red letters, was published on 2 July 42. R5632 flew 1st operational mission with 207 Squadron on 3 July, so it may well have been painted in dull gray. R5755 flew its first mission on 27 July 42, so it was likely to have been painted with red letters.
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