Cutty Sark Fire

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Yes indeed, but there is some hope - about half of the timbers and the masts were off site being restored... I think they can fix this, but it will be a hell of a job though..:shock:
Looks like it was arson.

HATE those b'stards.

LFB (London Fire Brigade) keeping the tradition forged through two world wars alive.

Kia Kaha Brothers.

Keep your heads down and safe Brothers in the East End.
If it was arson I hope they find him and string him up. Never understood the fascination with burning things especially something like that.
That is disgusting if its arson, pathetic what people will do these days. The other day I was at a Aero Museum looking at a recent addition a DC 2 all i could see was graffiti up the side of the fuselague
There should be some reciprocation, like an eye for an eye. You commit arson, YOUR house is set on fire. You tag the neighborhood, YOUR house is covered in graffitti. Makes it easy to figure who the little criminals are in town.
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I love the old Sark in her prime she could knock up over 17 knots which as you can ski at 15 knots is not bad going for a square rigged cargo ship. I've been on board many times and she's a beautiful vessel.
The Thermopylae and her where great rivals always trying to best each others far east round trip times, I believe if my memory serves me right the owners of the Thermopylae rather than send her to the breakers scuttled her as a mark of respect.
There is a ship much like the Cutty Sark in the Delaware River in Phila. It's called the Moshulu. Here's a link:

.:: Moshulu Restaurant Bar ::.

It catches fire every now and again. Has done it at least once in the last 20 years. Burns the thing out. Then they rebuild it. Too choice a property not to redo it.
Be nice if they could have her fully rigged but I supposed it would make the restaurant an bit cluttered
A couple of great ships at Penns Landing. Moshulu and the Olympia along with a sub with tours. There's also a ship that does dinner shows on the Delaware. And of course the New Jersey is right across the way.

Stickin with the Cutty Sark, I've always wondered about the Constitution up in Boston. They take it out to certify it as still in the Navy. I think those trips can be dangerous at times.
They take the Constitution out once a year. I think it is once a year, may be twice but I only know of once. That is during the 4th of July celebrations. It goes out on the 1st or 2nd. They take it out into the middle of Boston Harbor, turn it around and bring it back into dock. Just out and back, no sailing around. Not under own power. But it is a helluva party (not really saying much 'cause everything in Boston is a helluva party).

Been on the Constitution and the Moshulu. Both are very big. The Constitution is suprisingly big. Moshulu is expected to be big but the Constitution is, well, big. Thought those things were cramped. Maybe with a couple hundred guys on it but it wasn't really as small as I thought it would be.
Now thats something I'd love to check out, Been on the Constitution and the Olympia from about 1900. Cool ships. In my area down in Greenwich that have an old sailing ship they use to train people on how to sail. Goes out about once a year.

Its shame there aren't more for people to experience and the Cutty Sark just reduced that list. :(

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