DC-3 manual

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Aug 21, 2006
DC-3 manual at this web site

The DC3 manual

Enjoy Micdrow :lol:


  • DC-3.jpg
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Hi chaps,

Some nice documents there, but there must be some more Dak manuals floating around :shock::?:

The one I'm looking for in particular is the 'Erection and Maintenance Instructions Manual' for the C-47.

Can anyone help?

Pimpernel Leader,
A few years have passed (was not a member in 2009), but I have an 'Erection and Maintenance Instructions Manual' for the C-47 if you are still interested.
Sorry for the long post but the following was 300+ MB and over 1000 pages, so I broke it down into small part accessible for everyone. #005 is 45 MB, if this is too large for you let me know and I'll reduce it further.
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf
View attachment Douglas C-47 C-47A C-47B C-47D C-117 A C-117B Maintenance Instructions T.O. 1C-47-2 1 June 1962_.pdf

Have a GREAT HOLIDAY Friends!!!
I also have many many DC-3 Manuals.. If anyone has request let me know.. I have them all digital scanned and run OCR on most of them so they are searchable.
I would like to see a C-47 Structural Repair Manual. Also any Technical Orders\Bulletins regarding updates or upgrades to the aircraft while in service.

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