DCS A10C is now beta

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Ok, I picked this game up a little over a week ago, and this is what I think of it.

Great game. Although it is still in Beta phase, this game is a blast. Everything from firing the deadly Gau-8 30mm cannon to dropping JDAM's or LGB's, to realistic cockpit. The game is developed by a company who actually made the training simulator for the A-10C for the Air Force, so they have all the info they need for making the game. My personal favorite is using the JTAC or Joint Terminal Attack Controller. He is the guy on the ground spotting targets for you to attack. Its a beautiful thing to see it at night, when he fires up the laser and you can see it through your NVG's. All of a sudden you get the call from him that your "Cleared Hot" and you roll in for your attack. Here is a example below.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLuXwMGlhO8

System failures are also implemented. I was flying a CAS mission and had a Multi Function Display go out, then the next mission my GPS went out. The damage model is excellent, I took a missle hit to the engine, shrugged it off like it was a mosquito and flew home.

Over all I am very impressed and this will be my new favorite sim for a while. If you decide to get it, remember you are buying a pre-purchase Beta version. They are still sending updates about every 2 weeks or so, and the frame rates get jumpy in places, but over all, A great sim that I recommend to anyone.

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