Death Metal Parrot.

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Birds and cats are not my thing. Have a former friend who is into parrots. fly and c**p freely all over the house and they bite. now i do like Popeye's birds


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Birds can be cool Mike like those that hunt squirrels and the like I like to have a hawk or falcon take up residence year round on my block.Cull out some of those damn squirrels(just dwindle it down a few).
Javlin, Very true, I stand corrected, birds of prey are very cool and so are songbirds. There are cardinals, jays and hummingbirds plus assorted finches in the back yard but they are never kept as pets the way some people keep birds loose in the house. there are also a few hawks around this area which I see out in the country.
Squirrels are rats that live in trees. target practice for my .22
Squirrels are rats that live in trees. target practice for my .22

They are for me to with the .22 pellet rifle but the wife has not called for the sniper since Katrina.Cheers
Used to have Parakeets many years ago...after they grew old and passed away, I said no more...never got tired of thier companionship and antics, but the mess they made was a pain in the a$$...

As far as Raptors go, love 'em...especially after the neighborhood tomcat (big egotistical bully...sprayed all over the inside of my car once) got nailed by a bald was an awesome sight to see!

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