diarama questions

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Good advice, I hadnt thought about that.
I have a small room that I dont use upstairs, its about 11 by 10. It should work to fit it all in, its got purple paint
But I plan on painting the walls to look like part of the scenery/ skyline. Maybe I'll have the wife help with that. She wants to help, I told her she can build one of the crashed planes
I'll take plenty of before and after pics.
Looking forward to it. I for one think it's great that your wife wants to help as well. I've got a few ideas for Diorama's that are different as well, but it's been so long since I've built a model that I don't know where to start anymore.
Yeah its nice she wants to help, shes 20 so it gives her something productive to do. Bucksnort, ever been to the Mankato area? Thats where Im at

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