Did anyone watch "Taking Chance" last night?

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
The HBO premiere of the movie Taking Chance was on last night. It was a good movie, although a tough ride, emotionally.

If you get a chance, it's definitely worth a look.

You can see a preview of it here:
HBO Films: Taking Chance
It really was long overdue. It's an emotional film to see for a vet, and for civilians as well. It's also a good way of showing the public that all those killed in action are treated with the highest dignity and respect by the military. Even when the casket will be closed for the entire memorial service, the body is cleaned and placed in a uniform that is perfect, down to the ribbons. They do make mention of that in the movie.
I did see this the other night and I was quite impressed. I had heard a little about escort duty but didn't really have a very good idea of what all was involved. I'm glad to hear you say that the movie portrayed this accurately, eric. The dignity and respect that the fallen service members received was very moving.

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