Did P-40s have rear view mirrors?

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Feb 24, 2010
Does anyone have a photo of a P-40 with a rear view mirror attached? I've seen photos of P-51s with rear view mirrors, but not P-40s.
but they were small and skewed to one side of the canopy centre-line, in order to see around the vertical tail surface. Bit difficult to post a pic up as I've only got MS Paint now but bear with me
Below: Capt George D Hobbs of the 57th FG was wounded by cannon fire from a Bf109 but returned to base in Libya in this P-40K-1. USAF


  • P-40.JPG
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And here a few other examples.


  • p40 mirror 1.jpg
    p40 mirror 1.jpg
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  • p40 mirror 2.jpg
    p40 mirror 2.jpg
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  • p40 mirror 3.jpg
    p40 mirror 3.jpg
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  • p40 mirror 4.jpg
    p40 mirror 4.jpg
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  • p40 mirror 5.jpg
    p40 mirror 5.jpg
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  • p40 mirror 6.jpg
    p40 mirror 6.jpg
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