Die Deutschen Luftwaffe videos?

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Airman 1st Class
Mar 10, 2011
I have in my collection three of these videos, which I believe were originally put out in the mid 80's? "Chronos" videos out of the UK released them. I have volumes 1, 2 and 7, so I know there were at least 7, but I believe there were 8 or 9 in the series. Were these ever released on DVD or again on VHS? I'd love to get the rest of the series if possible!

Snautzer, no ISBN that I can find. Bar code, yes but no ISBN. I did find a place online that *maybe* has the entire VHS set for sale. I sent an e-mail and will see what response (if any) I get.

I have in my collection three of these videos, which I believe were originally put out in the mid 80's? "Chronos" videos out of the UK released them. I have volumes 1, 2 and 7, so I know there were at least 7, but I believe there were 8 or 9 in the series. Were these ever released on DVD or again on VHS? I'd love to get the rest of the series if possible!



There are a total of 7 volumes in the "Die Deutschen Luftwaffe" NTSC VHS tape series that I have. The covers for these are printed so as to display a Ju-87 when they are all arranged in order on a bookshelf. I no longer have a VHS tape player, and was thinking of listing these on eBay, but not sure just what they go for these days. I may have played one or two of these once, but most of them are brand new and unused.

Let me know if you still have an interest in them.



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