I'd say it's abundantly clear that the SBD did NOT run rings around the Fulmar, and in fact was not as good in the fighter role. But it could sink ships!
As scouts they were probably fairly equivalent. Fulmar has a bit better performacne but I think the SBD has better range.
In a turning fight, a Fulmar would lose, and lose fast against an SBD.
it was excessively stable, and it's controls quickly became very heavy if it was pushed hard. It was what it was, a light bomber masquerading as a fighter.
the Fulmars performance was so marginal, (a factor specifically noted during its trials when it was reluctantly accepted into service), it was always being examined in its service to see what could be left out or removed to save a few pounds to gain even the most modest bit of extra performance to present a threat even to medium bombers.