Do 335 - An Unusual Camo

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2nd Lieutenant
Nov 3, 2004
Praga Mater Urbium
Can you help me identify this Do 335? Concerning that there was only a few (around 90) Pfeils built, could this may be a phantasized camo?


Thanks for helping!
I've never seen that cammo pattern where the tiger stripe didn't end with Dark Green/Medium Green on top and fade into stippling as it worked down towards the typical blue-grey on the bottom.
Pisis it is total bogus ! it would of been overall dark greens with RLM 76 undersides which would of been light grey with a touch of blue. the props are dark black-green not this funny white/red. the Welle pattern or sphagetti camo shown is not true
I would like to know what happend to all the Do-335's after the war, I know that there are some in museums, but still did they all survive?

I know of one that belongs to the Deutsches Museum here in Munich, Germany but it is on loan to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC right now, even though it was not on display when I visited last time.
I know of one that belongs to the Deutsches Museum here in Munich, Germany but it is on loan to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC right now, even though it was not on display when I visited last time.
The aircraft is not on loan to the NASM... it's part of their collection. After its restoration by Dornier in 1975 the aircraft was loaned to the DM until returned to the USA in 1986. It is currently displayed at the NASM's Udvar-Hazy Center.

Fade to Black...
The aircraft is not on loan to the NASM... it's part of their collection. After its restoration by Dornier in 1975 the aircraft was loaned to the DM until returned to the USA in 1986. It is currently displayed at the NASM's Udvar-Hazy Center.

Fade to Black...

Aha got it backwards then.

When I was at the Udvar-Hazy Center last year it was not on display there.
Yes he is a Hungarian immigrant and he is Chairman and CEO of Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC), which is one of the two largest aircraft lessors in the world. He is also the 83rd riches man in the world worth 3.1 Billion dollars.

The center is named after him because he gave the National Air and Space Museum a $65 million grant that allowed to them to build it.
Could this be intended to be a fantasied one about what it could have looked like in full scale service? Since it was in small-scale service, different squadrons might have different propellor colours for the hub depending on role and squadron and therefore it might indicate that it is a different squadron. It fits in though with what we know about the prop hub colours for the Me-109... Could the colour we know on it represent an aircraft undergoing a wider scale service trial of 90 aircraft under active service?
Ok, wasn't sure about what standards there were. Perhaps one day ChrisMAg2 it might be good if you started up a simple education thread to educate on this subject as I'm not exactly sure on what standards are adopted for what aircraft, etc? I just thought the camo looked realistic to me.

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