Do Americans use metric system?

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AS I RECALL, the Imperial Navy measured airspeed in knots but altitude and distance in meters (except where meters extended to nautical miles!)
Oh, and IJN kept Tokyo Time world-wide, apparently. But hey, I'm in Arizona where we never go on Daylight, which suits us just find but confused the bejabbers out of everyone sle.
As a rule of thumb, for mental thinking.

....converting Fahrenheit to Centigrade we always minused 30 and halved it. Good enough for approximation.
Where I live we use will start to freeze at -2°C, time to put on a sweater though I still wear shorts up to -20°ish

You must have Scottish ancestry......

When I lived there, they would have the barbeque out at about 5c and be walking around in shorts, a tee-shirt and with bare feet!
You must have Scottish ancestry......

When I lived there, they would have the barbeque out at about 5c and be walking around in shorts, a tee-shirt and with bare feet!

Where I work the lowest recorded temp is 22C and highest is 32C so anything under about 24 is jacket weather. Boring but nice except when the humidity is 90% and above.
Home has a temperature range for 5C to 45C which is not so pleasant and anything below 20 is jacket weather.

Sounds like a similar workplace I was at before, when it was in the low 20's (centigrade) the locals were freezing their nuts off ....Nigeria.
And, oddly enough home climate is almost the same as yours! (Cyprus)
I worked for a shop that made paper machinery. We made widers that wound up at the end
of the paper making machine. We ourselves had 60 inch rolls to test on the WIT WOT machine.
I grew up across the street from a paper mill that made U.S. currency paper. In the late 90s we
were taught metric, I personally was told NOT to convert and shown metric rules and tape measures.
I can use both and to this day use my Starrett metric scale, why? Because I wore out the lines on
my 6 inch pocket scale. John
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Sounds like a similar workplace I was at before, when it was in the low 20's (centigrade) the locals were freezing their nuts off
In the Souks in Saudi Arabia in winter I used to sometimes bump into my co workers from the Phillipines. They were in jackets with fleece lined hats on while I was in my shorts and tee shirt, They were shivering and running to the toilet and considered myself and my mate to be supermen. Human perception of normal temperature can be comical at times.

After doing two attachments there, it was enough for me. I would never recommend that place to anybody. Flying over the Red Sea was nice though.


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Freedom units v the metric system
Americans don't want our King but they love an imperial measure

The UK isn't much different. Fuel in litres, distances in miles. Altitude in feet, cubic metres, etc.
But I'm 20 years out of date, we learned both at school way before. Are kids taught only metric now?

I worked in a paper mill for 22yrs, 20 of them running a Voith winder. We measured the width of the paper roll in millimeters and the diameter in inches
I worked in a paper mill for 22yrs, 20 of them running a Voith winder. We measured the width of the paper roll in millimeters and the diameter in inches

The same as car tyres.....

width in mm (then aspect ratio as percentage of the width) and dia in inches.
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I worked in a paper mill for 22yrs, 20 of them running a Voith winder. We measured the width of the paper roll in millimeters and the diameter in inches
I made Lenox CSS and HSR sheeters and winders, before that Beloit pulpers and refiners. 22 years in paper
machinery, 3 years wet end, 19 years finishing end. My dad was a "beater engineer" in a paper mill
as was my grandfather. "Smelly" buisiness! LOL. Learned metric at Beloit to compete with Jagenburg. John
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